What Your Head Shot Says About You

Professional head shot.

Facebook profile pic.

Match.com image.

What do all of these things have in common?  Hopefully not much.  We’re guessing that the people you’re trying to impress on Match.com aren’t the same type of people you’re trying to impress in the business world.  So why, then, would you use the same photo?

Your head shot is, many times, your potential client’s first interaction with your business.  People will associate the quality of your business with the quality of your image.  If the image is out of focus, a potential client might assume your business is out of focus.

A good head shot says, “I’m confident.  I’m personable.  I’m the best choice to do business.”

We offer monthly head shot days.  If you’re in need of a new head shot, e-mail us and sign up for our next session!

Connecticut Headshot

professional head shot

professional head shot

Connecticut Head Shots




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